Yesterday was a long day for me. I had to be at the school at 8 (I got there at 8:06 - that's 8:00 in Charlynn time), and I was in class for the majority of the day. I was thankful that I had made some steel cut oats ahead of time so I could just add some soy milk, raisins, raw almonds, spices, and honey. A quick reheat and I was out the door. My very brief lunch was veggie soup and a rather large salad from the evening before. Then I was out of the school at 4:16 and on my way to my office for a 5:00 client, followed by a 6:30 client. On the way home, I realized that I didn't plan ahead for supper, so I had to stop at the grocery store and then walked in the door at 8:00. Whew! I am tired just thinking about it.
When all was said and done, I had consumed around 13-14 servings of fruits and vegetables. My snacks were clementines, carrot sticks, and dinner was a fruit smoothie made of frozen peaches, frozen cherries and berries, dates and soy milk, and some very healthy multi-grain tortilla chips. Quite the variety! I have been trying to eat the whole rainbow of colors in my fruits and veggies, so I can get the most nutrients out of my food. The big thing I noticed was that I wasn't really hungry between meals (if you know me, you know this is NOT typical for me). I also had no desire to eat the chocolate that was sitting on the desk at the office. WHAT??!!!! I don't know who I am right now.
I over-indulged (for me) at the holidays. With the idea of a wellness project ahead of me, I wanted to make sure to taste all the things I wanted while I had the chance, so I could remember the flavors. I wasn't trying to cram as much in before the big purge or anything... I just wanted to not have any limitations. However, I got to the point the week after Christmas, that I just didn't want anything sweet anymore. And I didn't want wine. Two of my main vices... So, I guess my body was ready for a change. In fact, I had a bit of a stomach thing that week which began my cleaning out process, so to speak.
I am not imposing any calorie restrictions or saying I won't eat certain things right now. I guess I am just trying to give myself a period of time of eating the most nutrient dense foods possible. And it's working. My clothes feel a little looser. My digestion is balancing out. I am not craving sweets. Who knew? This is all stuff I have read about, but have been too chicken (soy chicken for me ha, ha) to try to the full extent.
I am very happy to report that my feet are healing rapidly and my skin is back to it's un-splotchy norm. And it is much softer. So, I am preparing for another weekend of baths, scrubs, facials and naps - yippee skippy!
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