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Saturday, September 17, 2011


I am inspired to write. Something about travel from place to place, just sets my creative fire alight. I am filled with images; people typing on laptops on the floor in the airport, teenagers with their backs turned to their families – enduring vacation with parents they can’t stand, babies sleeping in their mothers arms until they get on the flight; everyone just waiting to get to where they are going. I love the energy of the airport.

I can’t wait for my next adventure. Seattle for two days… the Pacific Northwest welcoming me back for the second time in less than a year. What a thrill! My travel inspiration colors the words I write – my fingers are barely able to contain the energy pulsing through me with anticipation of an upcoming trip. From start to finish, traveling somewhere (yes, even my trip to North Dakota this past spring), provides me with an adrenaline incomparable to anything else in my current existence. I want to go – be on the move, brush shoulders with the world in my fervor to get somewhere different or unfamiliar.

How excited am I to just go…

Wellness, for me is about these things. Travel and writing and embracing my desire for motion and change; my balance is restored with the dream of flying somewhere. I prioritize my daily life better when I have a goal. I enjoy my conversations with the people in my life. I smile more and treasure the moments for what they are. My mind stops whirring and I focus on the details. How I pack my suitcase is more reflective of my heart than how I organize my dresser drawers ;) Something that irritates Heather, I am sure. I don’t just want to go though. I want to go and come back. Ahhh, heaven…

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